Exploring Starknet — Community, Hub, and Educational Resources
Let me be the first one to greet you in advance!
❄️Merry Merry Christmas!! ❄️

It is with great pleasure that I will be writing to you about this great topic right now.
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Interested in discovering the StarkNet ecosystem? Are you passionate about scaling Ethereum? No need to fret, we’ve got you covered!
This article will guide you through the top resources, spanning from Discord and Twitter to official websites and educational materials. Let’s dive right in!
Official StarkWare
It would be in order to start with some official resources:
Why spend 10 minutes reading docs when you can spend 5 hours experimenting yourself? 😄
- Cairo docs — official docs for the Cairo language
- StarkNet documentation — official StarkNet docs
- StarkNet community docs — great place for additional explanations of key terms in the StarkNet ecosystem
Everything you see regarding StarkNet Edu is maintained by great people from StarkWare. But they are not alone!
Check out some of these materials out, and make yourself cozy because you are in for a trip deep down the rabbit hole!🐰
- StarkNet Edu Blog
- StarkNet Edu Workshops
- https://book.starknet.io/
- https://triality.org/education — All modules are dynamic, interactive tutorials that run completely in your browser, no setup required!
- Tutorials — StarkNet — Official exhaustive list of tutorials and workshops.
- 0xs34n/starknet.js-workshop — Workshop about Starknet.js
- Long Twitter thread with STARK Math links — by Eli Ben-Sasson
- Starknet Developer Tools
Online Playgrounds
Play around with Cairo and StarkNet without having to install anything on your computer!
If you ever come across the phrase “keep StarkNet strange,” don’t be puzzled 😉.
Web3 thrives on its communities, and we genuinely believe that StarkNet boasts the finest community in the Web3 realm! It’s rapidly expanding and promises an even brighter future ahead! Explore all the exciting things the community has to offer.
- Official StarkNet Discord channel — The place to be on Discord! Ask questions, follow updates and join the calls!
- StarkNet Community Forum — Forum for StarkNet community members to discuss technical opportunities. Inspired by Ethereum Magicians.
Q&A sites
Decentralized Stack Overflow anyone?
- https://newton.so — earn money by posting or answering questions!
- https://triality.org/questions
What if we told you — you could contribute to awesome open-source projects on GitHub, become famous, and also get paid?! 🤯
You can do so by checking out OnlyDust! And be sure to join their Discord.
These are just some of the blogs from our community, ande we encourage you to also write some!
- SpaceShard blog
- Starkscan Medium
- Cairo | Perama’s notes
- Practical StarkNet lessons learned
- ChainStack — Overview of Developer Tools for StarkNet and Zk-rollups
- Infura + StarkNet
- Darlington Nnam Medium
- Braavos Medium
- StarkNet — Argent Learn
Security and audit reports
Security is crucial in Web3, so take a look at these resources for tips and tricks:
Twitter is probably the main source of information for Web 3 communities, so go and follow these accounts (and discover many more):
- https://twitter.com/StarkWareLtd
- https://twitter.com/Starknet_edu
- https://twitter.com/StarkNetEco
- https://twitter.com/odin_free
- https://twitter.com/Starknet_OG
- https://twitter.com/GuthL
- https://twitter.com/henrlihenrli
- https://twitter.com/CairoLang
- https://twitter.com/0xSpaceShard
Meetups & Networking
Remember, it’s always exciting to meet people in the Web3 space — especially if they are building something very cool 💪 We regularly attend these events and they are nothing short of awesome!
Stay up to date with these awesome newsletters:
Check out Argent’s Dappland for an overview of StarkNet’s best Dapps and the comprehensive StarkNet Ecosystem by Alpha Road.
We hope you’ll enjoy the awesome and ever-growing StarkNet ecosystem that we are so proud of!

Source: StarkNet Ecosystem map by @odin_free
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