An Open Letter to the First and Only Girl Band I Stan
Start of it all…
I remember it clearly. All of it.
As if it just happen yesterday.
As clear as the water from a potable drinking one.
I was still in high school when I first saw all of you. Sometime around my 4th year in high school. A classmate of mine showed me a video on her cellular phone. It gave out a quirky yet pop tune and the word in the song that won’t leave my mind was “LOLLIPOP”. I think because it was a lyric that has been repeated over and over again. Mind you! We were in the church at that time.
I ask my classmate who the girl was and she said that it was Sandara Park. She is so familiar and curiosity struck me so hard. I did not even know that it was the starting point of it all.
I started searching for the band..
Months later, I started searching for that band, and thank God for the dial-up connection, I found them. It was really hard to have an internet connection back then. You need to have a telephone and you need to register that telephone for a load. The load was pretty much expensive back then. Then the connection wasn’t fast and good enough for streamers. Imagine the hassle? Ugh!
Anyhow, they were just starting. I just found out that the video that has been shown to me was a collaboration of them with a boy group. I grew curious about them. The curiosity became a habit. I would constantly search for their name and watch all videos related to them.
It came to a point where my friends and I learned their choreography and presented it to the whole class. I have the picture but I won’t show it. I was wearing a wig! For heaven’s sake, it made me bought a wig. HAHA!
I made them an inspiration…
College happens and I still made them an inspiration.
I think this has been one of the best decision I have ever made.
I started buying official merchandise with all the money I have saved to the point where I limit my food intake (chareng!). I started downloading everything that I have seen about them such as music videos, live TVs, and the like. I started learning the Korean language. I started watching k-dramas. I started memorizing all lyrics and fan chants of all their songs. I even started Twitter, Instagram, Line, Tumblr, Youtube, and all imaginable social media where they are at.
I started the habit of making my profile picture a picture of them. I started the habit of sleeping very late at night thanks to Twitter. Twitter is where the fandom is always active. This was where we get official information or even an unofficial one. The one where we got leaked photos and all. (HAHA!) Yeah, I was one of them.