DeRace Gameplay, Game Mechanics & Why it is ONE of the most rewarding P2E

DeRace Gameplay, Game Mechanics & Why it is ONE of the most rewarding P2E

Dear Nutshells,

It is with great pleasure that I will be writing to you about this great horse racing P2E game on the web right now.

It’s called DeRace!

But before anything else, you may want to read my Article on why this Game will Boom Here!

Additionally, you may take part in a broad range of sports and activities and make new international friends.

If you are a reader for a while here, I think you get the gist of what P2E is. But if you don’t, fret not.

Play to Earn or P2E is a concept in which a player can play a game with the option to earn crypto / online money that can be exchanged as your country’s currency.

🎮DeRace’s GAMEPLAY 🎮



Derace Gameplay

In summary, this game has 3️⃣ concepts of earnings.

  • Create2Earn — gives players the option to generate NFTs on their own
  • Engage2Earn — NFTs and other awards will be given to gamers for their involvement on the platform (various in-game activities, achievements, and missions)
  • Govern2Earn — the ecosystem is governed by the community: enabling the community to control the game’s operations and get incentives.

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This feature will make you sing happily as you have the option to breed your bought NFTs.


NFT horses available for breeding!

DeRace NFT horse owners can also rent their horses for breeding to other players! and collect the rental fees in $DERC.

All the available horses can be filtered in the NFT horse explorer page: by using “Open for breeding” filter. After the breeding process ends, rented NFT horse automatically returns back to the owner’s wallet and its breeding cool-down begins.


DeRace NFT horse owners can also rent their horses for racing to other players!

Players who wish to keep their NFT horses active and leveling up but lack the time to race them will benefit from this feature. The owner will get the rental money as well as any accomplishment prizes the horse earns while being hired out.

You can use this feature if you want to be a manager as well or just want to sell your NFTs on the marketplace.

You can buy their NFT Here:


Aside from the game itself, DeRace tabs have missions and achievements.

By completing objectives (daily, weekly, and monthly), gaining player or NFT horse accomplishments, and receiving rewards, players may fully immerse themselves in the gameplay.

Of course, as a player, this will entice you to complete those missions as it gives you XP (experience points) and Sugar Cubes.

Sugar Cubes can be exchanged into Chests and Keys of various tiers in the upcoming DeRace marketplace!

Chests and Keys

Chests include a variety of NFT horse equipment.

NOTE: Players can choose to open the Chest and keep the item that is hidden inside or to sell it to the other players.

They can also trade the Chest and Key NFTs directly without opening them, allowing for a chance of surprise!


As the Twitter of DeRace said, “Token holders are granted the privilege of early access to the platform, NFT drops, and new features”

Holders of the token are also promised VIP early access to the platform, early access to NFT asset drops, and invites to test new features. $DERC holders will also take part in the decision-making governance process to guide the development of the DeRace metaverse.

Also, they can earn rewards in the process.

Check more here:


Being a Derace NFT Holder has really some cool perks. Not just on the P2E side but you can be a breeder and a governer at once.

The earnings you get from holding the $DERC token is robust.

I can also see that the team also updates the community on their medium every Friday of the week.

They are very responsive.


$DERC token:

$DERC is fuel to the whole DeRace ecosystem. All in-game transactions on the DeRace platform are made exclusively in $DERC.

DeRace price today, DERC to USD live, marketcap and chart | CoinMarketCap

Derace describes itself as a “complete NFT horse racing ecosystem” that wants to set a new standard for GameFi…

$DERC is listed on,, PancakeSwap, UniSwap, Quickswap

Single sided $DERC staking

Single sided $DERC staking is available on . $DERC on Polygon Network holders can stake their tokens and earn Liquid Love NFT which is needed for breeding. The time in which you receive rewards depends on the amount of $DERC you stake.

$DERC LP staking

ETH Network LP staking is available on UniCrypt for DERC-USDC pair. Rewards include 200 000 $DERC tokens, 15 NFT Chests and 15 NFT Keys, 45 brand new DeRace Jockey NFTs, 20 Sugar Cube Boxes and 15 DeRace Jockey Club avatars.

Learn more about $DERC LP staking on ETH network

DERC-USDC staking farm:

Official partners: Binance NFT,, Chainlink, Polygon, REVV, DAO Maker

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